Wednesday, August 12, 2009

2010 Season getting underway. Book early for best rates.

Well, what is up in today's travel world? There are so many new offers right now. Seems the travel industry is really working hard to get people to use their facilities. Hotels are offering special packages, Disney is offering special perks which include rooms, meals, tickets....
We'll just have to wait and see how far they go to get the travelers going again.

Getaways we have on the horizon.... Caravan Tours has a package doing the Natl. Monuments for 2010. We are putting together a tour group for next summer. Want to join us? We are still in the planning stages and haven't picked a date yet. So if you have input you would like to add just drop us a line. As soon as we pick a date (we need to be a little flexible) the tour company will give us our group rates. We need a minimum of 8 couples to get the group discount so check your schedules, talk to your friends and let go see America.

Watch for more to come as the 2010 season gets underway.
Drop us a line at and let us know what memories you would like to make.